Senior Director Organizational Development & Learning
“Identify all corporate wide business gaps/problems and develop training strategies to align employee personal goals with the business vision. “
eLearning & Organizational Advancement
- Platform & Framework Design
e-Learning Instructional Design
BrainSpark.academy – Formerly digitizedi.com
BrainSpark Evolution a learning framework that results in improved learning and lifestyle.

BrainSpark PSS
About BrainSpark
Purpose BrainSparkPSS:
Goal Based Narrations
“Narratives possess power to re-direct the human soul, the ability to change direction of human thought, permanently.” ThirdSons
BrainSpark “to ignite self-motivated learning in the brain onward, toward infinite horizons of knowledge.”

BrainSpark–Change mindset, changes behaviors
Instructional Design Ideas For Best
e-Learning Results
What Is e-Learning?
e-Learning is the digitization of course material to electronic format.
Benefits of eLearning?
Author once, train anywhere!
Author once, train anytime!
Author once, train anyone!
Author once, train thousands!
What Is Instructional Design?
“Instructional Design is the process of gathering and distilling information into bite size increments enabling learners to digest & learn.”
ISD Process Framework Overview

Instructional Design eLearning
What Are Instructional Design – Basics?
e-Learning Instructional Design Basic Components
Anatomy of Instructional Design

Instructional Design is a systematic approach to deliver learning
…I is for Instructional
Design is setting order to any given process
…D is for Design
e-Learning is the digitizing of traditional learning to electronic format
…e is for e-Learning
Digitizedi is digitized instructional design and e-Learning

…d is for digitizedi
A Little History – There are many websites with numerous amounts of information on the subject of instructional system design (ISD) and e-Learning.
There are thousands of experts providing their opinion and expertise on the subject. e-Learning Instructional Design is an industry that has flourished over the past several decades. However, e-Learning and Computer Based Training have only recently been thrust to the forefront with the rise and expansion of the internet.
Purpose Of Digitizedi Instructional Design Website?
To help build effective and better e-Learning, keep trainees motivated and enjoy training. The information this website provides, will help provide correct usage of business analysis, learner analysis, e-Learning Instructional Design, and needs analysis.
Every business and institution can benefit from proper instructional design as it relates to e-Learning. However, the maze of dis-information and misinformation that cloud the field of instructional design and e-Learning has both confused & complicated an initially basic eTraining concept.
What Motivated Me To Create an e-Learning ISD Resource Site?
There are several instructional methodologies, origins and schools of thought. There is also debate on whether or not all design steps in the various development models the most popular instructional model being ADDIE, Analysis Design Develop Implement Evaluation (ADDIE) are necessary in all course development. The latest ISD model being the Successive Approximation Model (SAM)
There is a plethora of new buzz words that constantly flood the e-Learning community, yet these seemingly new terms are often old terms re-worded with a new twist by new sound-bite artists arriving on the scene on any given day.
Even more confusing, there are many definitions used to describe Web-Based Training, Online Learning, Computer Based Training, e-Learning? Are these eTraining definitions all one and the same? Or, are there functional differences that required necessary re-defining? No wonder the terminology of e-Learning Instructional Design has become somewhat confusing.
e-Learning Instructional Design In Transition
But, you can easily, create excellent instructional sound and effective online training for your small company, and you will. My goal is to provide primary Instructional Design and e-Learning related resources to help you reach your company, personal or home school eTraining needs and goals.
Ineffective Instructional Design
To the end-user or trainee, the complex backend system or its expensive cost is irrelevant. The hundreds of hours spent in development, the team of high paid developer professionals, managers, programmers, vendors are worthless if the learner is not motivated to learn.

i …is for instructional
I have also observed the butchering of instructional design, no clear terminal course objective was set, several confusing objectives crammed into single excessively long paragraphs. This is always done “in the interest of saving time.”
More emphasis should be placed on the proper delivery of course objectives to the end user and less attention on backend related components like SCORM, AICC, or obsessiveness over corporate legal related issues.
LMS SABA Learning Management System (how-to; testing, registration & offerings)New e-Learning Development Methods
Large teams of e-Learning developers boasting years of experience does not guarantee a sound e-Learning outcome.

e …is for e-Learning
There is a systematic tried & true approach to creating effective e-Learning Instructional Design.
An aesthetically pleasing interface, strong attention-getting introduction or opening screen are just some components that guarantee a solid and effective online learning experience for the end-user or trainee.
The biggest advantage in providing e-Learning is the ability to incorporate multi-media. Multi, the use of animation, sound and movie videos. These elements are a must in every eTraining project.
For instance, strong attention is given to the course introduction, the eTraining course introduction should capture the trainees attention and include relevant animation (not just frivolous images flying around) and some choice introduction music that will help relax, motivate and set the mood.
In addition, there must be considerations for site navigation, practice activities, proper feedback etc. From an instructional view, the training should include a Whole-Part-Whole anatomy of the course that include brief clearly stated terminal objectives.
Terminal Lesson Objectives
The terminal goal is the unifying thread of the entire course. This terminal goal must clearly state how the training will impact the company and individual. It must integrate the corporate mission statement as part of the overall theme of the course from the introduction and again during the final summary of the eTraining project.
Of course, the training will include all the individual performance goals that lead up to the terminal goal and mastery e-Learning Instructional Design.
The online learning project therefore must be constructed to offer the user a low learning curve and high retention potential.
These are just a few of the components and features that should comprise any e-Learning Instructional Design training program. We’ll cover all these elements in detail throughout this website.
Let’s Get Started Developing the Best e-Learning
How? By placing the focus on the trainee not the backend system.
With all the tools available to create web-based training which one(s) do you use? Which tool is best for the job?
e-Learning Tools, The Wrong Majority
Are training professionals applying the best e-Learning Instructional Design development methods?
Seventy to Ninety percent of corporate industry at large use MS Word and Power Point as the eTraining development tool of choice. These tools first digitize existing content and then auto create what’s referred to as simple electronic page turners. There is nothing wrong with this simple method other than it should not require a full team of professionals and hours of meetings just to reproduce an electronic or PDF course from a printed version of existing course materials.
There are many tools that can build web-based training programs. But you want a tool that offers creativity and flexibility. Why? Because you need the creativity that can help express learning content in an aesthetic and systematic manner. You need the flexibility to easily integrate your learning lessons into existing learning systems that can address both front end and backend advantages.
Which e-Learning Tool To Use?
Three dominate tools are:
eTraining Development and the Right Tool For the Job
In 30 years have witnessed large corporations employ robust tools such as DreamWeaver, Lectora, and or Captivate to create a simple online “electronic page turner”–this is severe overkill. It further strengthens the notions that the more money thrown at an employee performance problem the better. No wonder so many eTraining projects under perform. eTraining development can be both effective and creative if the right tool is selected for the job.
Your online training or teaching efforts don’t need to fail. You can create effective academic lessons using eLearning development tools. You can succeed where corporate America has failed.
Learning Theory
In the more complicated instance, defining the right approach to training is first determined by which of the three methodologies your training is to be designed:
A decision is then made by the ISD as to which is the proper methodology best applicable to achieve the training goal.
You can build effective and better e-Learning for your students. Learn about the who, what, when, where and why about instructional learning theory basics.

Benefits of e-Learning
The main benefits of e-Learning is listed as follows:
- Author once, publish everywhere – Author once, then publish the e-Learning. With e-Learning you don’t need to schedule multiple classes or hire multiple instructors. After going live, the e-Learning can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
- Clone the best teacher and best practices – The best instructors and their teaching techniques can be cloned with e-Learning. Students and employees can be exposed to the most efficient methods of learning.
- Activity can engage the trainee – We learn by doing. e-Learning can be embedded with various activities and practice screens that will help to reinforce the learning material, accelerate and solidify the mastery of course goals.
- Rapid Development – eLearning tools provides opportunity for rapid development. Anyone can quickly develop engaging etraining courses in days vs months.
A Failing Education School System?
America boasts about having the most computers in the world, the most internet connections in the world, and the best education system in the whole world, they boast to spend more money per student than anyone else in the world.
Why do American students rank at the bottom 23 of the 25 of all developing industrialized nations in math and science? You would not know our education systems is failing 50% of its students if you listen to main stream media.
The e-Learning Instructional Design Solution
Introduction To Lessons Learned e-Learning
Proper e-Learning is a combined synergy of many disciplines to be designed as a student centered project.
In its most complex form, e-Learning projects can include:
- Scenarios,
- Activities,
- Practice Exercises,
- Stories,
- Custom Graphics
- e-Learning Development Tools,
- Supporting Software,
- ISD Models,
- Project Management,
- Memory Techniques,
- Case Studies,
- Complex Back-end systems like SCORM
- Database Driven
- Simulations,
- Programmers,
- Project Mgmnt–Prevent Scope Creep,
- Instructional Designers,
- Course Outlines,
- Storyboards,
- ISD Maps,
- Media Maps,
- Design Documents,
- The psychology of learning,
- Research,
- Complex learning methodologies,
- Memory & Recall Methods
The simplest form of eTraining can involve:
- identifying a problem and
- posting a how-to learning aide.
The goal of this site is to provide e-Learning & Instructional Design Best Practices
It is important to understand all the underlying technical details and learning theories in order to create the most effective training. You need someone who comprehends the complexities of production yet using practical experience produce effective training.
Include a link to your training website project if you wish a review.
e-Learning Instructional Design
Whether you are creating an e-Learning course for a small business, homeschool, or a large corporation, you can build the perfect e-Learning project.

e-Learning and ISD Development Collaborate to design e-Learning programs that are aligned with corporate strategic targets, and student learning objectives.
Developed ROI evaluation methodology to judge learning progress.
Conduct user pilot testing to ensure course objectives are met. Improving production development via CCS and design templates, improve teamwork & workflow among various departments by introducing a systematic approach to applying the ADDIE ISD process.
Training and Nation Building Development
Curriculum Development & Application
Comprehensive Curriculum Mapping that aligns learning paths with the target audience
By following traditional curriculum design framework for instructional design to the letter, to produce a successful eTraining outcomes.
From Beginner to Training Mastery Curriculums
Curriculum BrainSpark Evolution Preview in new tab(opens in a new tab)

National Curriculum Development
Data Driven Storyboarding
Storyboarding Create robust storyboards that provides a roadmap of a project to visually guide the development phase. Storyboard basic elements consists of screen description, screen text, media mapping, narration of what will be said, graphics (what will be created; the more visuals supplied or sketched the better), use of supporting animation, interaction, navigation and branching.

Senior Instructional Design and e-Learning Development Lead
ISD and eLearning Project Development
eLearning Project Management

Knowledge Objects the Bites & Bits of KO Transfer

• A3 Report Writing

• Coaching Root Cause Analysis
• Compliance Training
• Information Security Training

• Strategy Initiatives
• Survey and Questionnaires
• Business Dashboards Realtime Monitoring
• Anti-Corrosion
• Technical Animations Fuel Injector (Animation)

• Fuel Injector Process Flow Diagram (Animation)

• Automotive Systems Overview
• Automobile Development Process Timeline
- Design Stage
- Production Trial
• Business Score Card


• MizenBoushi Change Point Management (MBCPM)
• Design Review Based on Test Results (DRBTR)
Intellectual Property

• Picket Fencing
• Global Patent Violations

- “Identify all corporate wide business gaps / problems. Develop training strategies to set employee career path and personal goals in alignment with the business vision.“
• Strategic Initiatives Evolution

Team Discussion Forum

Corporate, International & Global Team Development

- Team Synergy Development Schemes
- Team Building for Precision Performance
- Collective Effort Comparisons
- Efficacy Scenarios
- Pilot Effectiveness Trials
- Randomized Controlled Training
- Parametric Thinking Team Solutions
Internal Business Initiatives & Philosophies
- Toyota Five Business Concepts
- Challenge, Kaizen, Genchi Genbutsu, Respect, & Teamwork
- PDCA Plan Do Check Act
- TBP Toyota Business Practices
- OJD On the Job Development
- Randomized Controlled Training
- Parametric Thinking Team Solutions
Vehicle Cybersecurity – DRBFM Paradigm

Computer Networks & Vehicle Vulnerabilities
CATIA Business Team Setup
The Instructional Systems Design

Utilizing the ADDIE process and similar frameworks–SAM, AGILE etc, ensures that the majority of the content flow, lesson modules, practice exercises, activities—single or group, knowledge checks and assessments maintain a common unifying thread throughout the entire process.
Blended Learning Methodology: As an experienced eLearning developer, I can employ a wide scope of teaching methodologies that effectively facilitate knowledge transfer. Blended learning (instructor led with Flearning/WBT) concepts and practices appear to promote more of an andragogical or active learner centered design vs traditional pedagogical, didactic passive teacher-centered formats. Blended learning, offer the best outcome of adult learning. Properly developed, blended learning will produce stimulation, motivation (based on natural curiosity), and a more productive training process and experience for the adult learner.
ISD Evolution Paradigm

Terminal Objective Goal is “the unifying thread” or “golden thread” that binds each instructional phase together. All lessons contain design elements that, utilize a Knowledge Resolution to rectify a Knowledge Deficiency. This approach both enable & motivate the learner toward attaining mastery of the end-goal.

- Sustainable Chains
- Circular Economy Coaching
- Regional Administration of Economics
- Global Economic Development Training
- Leadership Youth–Business Economics
- Emerging Markets
Anatomy of Economics

- Inverse Economic Dynamics
- Economic Value Systems
- Cash Bio A-ology
- Currency vs Lifestyle
- Economically Sustainable
Economic Tale of Two Cities Dashboard–Analytics (zoom)
Quantitative and Qualitative data gathering and analysis, ROI, KPI, Success Case Methods, Descriptive Statistics)
Economic Dashboard Analytics (zoom)

- Outflow Currency Spending Impact
- Local Linear Outflow Spending
- Local Circular Retention Spending Results
- Linear vs Circular Simulations

Research Drives the Decision
- Big Data Economics
- Data Analysis
- Surveys & Questionnaires
- Research & Data Collection
Economic Systems Flow Diagrams (Animation)

- Economic Currency Flow
- Key Economic Components
- Traditional, command, mixed, market
Circular Economics Evolution

Multiplier Effect WRS–BrainSpark Evolution (zoom)

Infinite Sustainable Economics–ISE (zoom)

- 1X Local Outflow Spending (LOS) vs
- 10X Local Retention Spending (LRS)
- GOOD4Rs– Retention, Redirect, ReCircle, Ripple Effect
- Infinite Sustainable Economy
- Collective Capital Raising (CCR)
- Collective Spending Initiatives (CSI)
- Local, Regional, National, Global
Economy Protection Practices

- Econ Disaster Prevention (EDP)(internal/external)
- Micro Macro Functions
- Economic Permanent Sustainability
- Community Vulnerability Shield
- Protectionism vs Open–Pro/Cons
- Traditional, Command, Mixed, Market
- Disruptions & Impact Mapping
- Import – As a Negative Wealth Redirect (pro/con)
- Government Subsidized Bus & Econ
- Export Predatory Practices
- Eco Disaster Recovery
- Mission-Critical Continuation of Vital Infrastructure
Reality of Airborne Particles – INFOGRAPHIC

Bioaerosols – Simple Interaction == Exponential Double Danger
The reality of airborne particles are, no restrictions or confined distance of travel. One person, with one sneeze, can infect a 100 people in a 60-120 feet area with a slight shift of a breeze.
Bioaerosols – Disbursement Proximity Facts
Talking: 1-50 particles per second
Shouting: 6 times the particle distribution
Coughing: 50mph 3,000 droplets
Sneezing: 100 mph 10,000 droplets
Airborne Life span: 3-6 hours
Aerodynamic: 160 feet, exhaled droplets can travel
HVAC can spread virus or smoke 10 floors up
Airborne particles can remain suspended long after an infected person has left the area.
Source: John Hopkins Airborne Experiment 1956
eLearning Parametric Thinking BrainSpark Evolution
eLearning ISD

A thinking process that considers all related influences, into counter actions, to generate solutions to problems.
- Root Cause Deficiencies & Disruptions to Learning

“e-Learning for brain metamorphosis–individual, community, nation and global transformation. “
Contact Info: eMail Ike Austin